Thursday, January 24, 2013

Do the Right Thing

The Heavy: A Mother, A Daughter, A Diet by Dara-Lynn Weiss.  This book is about the red-hot issue of how to address weight issues in the very young.  When her daughter Bea was diagnosed as obese at the age of seven Weiss had to consider the benefits of getting her daughter healthy versus the very real possibility of raising a girl who would develop issues with body image and eating disorders.  As she struggled through the process she came up against the challenges of dealing with cafeteria food, hidden nutrition labels, dieting, discipline, and unwelcome criticism from fellow parents.  On top of that, she wrote an article for Vogue about her journey through the food battlefield which opened up a hornet’s nest of criticism and set off a huge debate on childhood obesity.  This book is all about trying to do the right thing and should be an eye opener to anyone who has ever felt the need to judge another. SG

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