Tuesday, October 19, 2010

France, Oui!

One pleasure of reading is that it can take you away, far away,without the hassle of plane travel! The mystery The Dark Vineyard by Martin Walker takes us to the peaceful village of St-Denis, France. Bruno Courreges is the town's only policeman,and must investigate when a research field of genetically modified crops is burned. Full of the pleasures of France, a dinner of truffle omelette and a community grape crushing, the novel provides the background for romance, rivalry and murder.
Deadly Slipper, written by Michelle Wan is the first of another mystery series set in France. This mystery about a woman's search for her long-missing sister takes readers to the ruggedly beautiful Dordogne region of France and into the exotic world of orchid hunting.
Peter Mayle has written many fiction and nonfiction books featuring the south of France. Chasing Cezanne is a lighthearted and fast paced mystery about the complications that ensue when a photographer who is taking pictures of houses happens to spot a Cezanne being loaded onto a plumbing truck! So Bon Appetit, and enjoy!

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