Amglish in, Like, Ten Easy Lessons by John G. Doherty. Amglish is informal English, combined with Americanisms, including slang, new words, mispronunciations, acronyms, and area dialects. Famous speakers of Amglish include George Bush and Sarah Palin, whose word refudiate (a combination of refute and repudiate) was the subject of much press. Amglish can also include selective grammar – for example Rodney Dangerfield’s “I don’t get no respect.” And Amglish isn’t alone as we also read about Chinglish, Spanglish and others. My favorite part of this book was reading about the abuse of English in advertising by those with little understanding of the language, as with the company in China who called their new line of plus-sized clothing “lard bucket.” You will enjoy the fun and be highly entertained with this little book celebrating the new world lingo. SG
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